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Although many health and safety guidelines have impacted the food retail industry, one thing remains consistent—in-store sampling boosts sales. Many grocers and food retailers are finding creative and safe ways to implement sampling back to their stores for good.

Post-pandemic solutions:

  • Find the Right Sampling Center for Your Store
  • Implement Safe Serving with Sample Cups
  • Establish More Clean Solutions

Find the Right Sampling Center for Your Store

Most likely it's been a while since you've shopped for a sampling station—so the time is now to restock and upgrade. Consider the food you're serving (hot or cold), the placement in your store, and the message/signage options to inform and attract shoppers.

Safe and Clean Serving with Sample Cups

Gone are the days of shoppers reaching their hands into samplers and helping themselves. Serving cups not only encourage cleanliness, but also help you measure and serve the perfect portions.

Consider this: sampling doesn't have to stop at just food. Serve cold beverages, or even if it allows—beer and wine sampling.

Clean Solutions to Consider

A new engaging experience for shoppers needs to start and end with the proper cleaning and sanitization.

Food Retail

We're listening and want to hear from you.

If you have another unforeseen area of your business directly affected by the coronavirus, feel free to reach out to an on-call food service expert—we are here to help. We also encourage those with questions to please email our award-winning customer support team for assistance.

We will work through this together, and look forward to helping you in any way we can.